Thursday, February 2, 2012

Exploring web sites as source of information

Traditionally journalists have different ways they use as source of information. They include eyes for observation, ears to listen to what is to be said and even nose for information needed. A journalist must know individual people and contacts before hand in order to get proper information. Other sources include press releases and other media.
Like any other sources for a journalist to perform his/her duties, internet is also another useful tool of information.
Journalists benefit from internet as source of information to check facts and background or other issues concerning people. The internet also gives an opportunity to search global collection of news and information, to look for people and checking facts in editing as well as grammar.
According to the trainer of Internet Training, Peik Johannson, much of the information is found on internet through search engines like Google, Firefox and others. He said, in 2004 there were 13 web pages. But in July 2008 Google announced that its search engine has discovered one trillion unique web pages on more than 100 million websites.
These useful tools can only give best results if a journalist is aware of tips helpful in finding information from the web sites. Different languages are used while looking for information needed. Another tip is to choose the right word for the search to get good result. Use simple words for the search, key words are usually advisable.
The journalist should know exactly what to search for and where to find it, is the search for simple facts, is it for background or any other information that can develop the story.
Give yourself much more time to investigation before planning your story. The story should be in in a narrative format. Finally a journalist should plan to use his/time for research, writing, editing the text, checking fact and for delivering the story.
That is the wisdom of the day!

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